50 & 100 Ton Shop Presses
50 & 100 Ton Shop Presses
50 & 100 Ton Shop Presses
50 & 100 Ton Shop Presses
50 & 100 Ton Shop Presses
Product Introduction
Product Name : 50 & 100 Ton Shop Presses
Product No : HSP50T-HSP100T
  • Ideal for the pressing job for in the work shops.
  • Rugged Steel frame provides maximum rigidity and never bended.
  • Multiple working position for press bed.
  • Steel cross brace prevents the frame from spreading under the load.
  • 50 & 100 Ton, Single Acting, 13" & 18"  stroke Rams are available for requesting.
  • 50 & 100 Ton, Double Acting, 13" & 18" Stroke Rams are available for requesting.
  • 50 Ton, Hand Pump, Air Pump & Electric Pumps are available upon request.
  • 100 Ton, Electric Pumps are available as the optional version.
Model No.Capcitya 
Pump ModelOil Cap.
Accessory Set
HSP5013H 50 330  HP80 7,000 440 *Long V-Blocks
*Ram pushing adaptor
HSP5013S 50 330  EP18S 8,000 0.45kW 220V 50/60 Hz Single phase 480
HSP5018D 50 457  EP18D 8,000 0.45kW 220V 50/60 Hz Single phase 480
HSP10013S 100 330  EP211S 11,000 1.12kW 220V 50/60 Hz Single phase 840 *V-Base
*Ram pushing adaptor
HSP10018D 100 457  EP211D 11,000 1.12kW 220V 50/60 Hz Single phase 840
*The above accessory sets will be changed according to the Selected Cylinder.
proimages/pd/Others/10Shop Presses/Drawings/HSP50T外觀尺寸圖.jpgproimages/pd/Others/10Shop Presses/Drawings/HSP100T-外觀尺寸圖-(.jpg